Exciting Developments in Tanzania

An opportunity has afforded the next phase of our programs countrywide with John Sweya now overseeing the work of Project HOPE in Tanzania. John Sweya was our original project partner in Tanzania before he moved on to other areas of concern. John’s new research...

Kids in the Compound

Chipata, Zambia is surrounded by compounds filled with displaced people. Not really an official town or destination, these areas lack any real structure or organized systems for sanitation, water or general living conditions. They are populated by hundreds of...

Saikalo School Borehole

We are excited to see the new borehole (well) under construction. The prevailing rains finally gave way to dry weather so that the heavy machinery could get on the plot to start drilling. It didn’t take long to reach good water. Stay tuned for updates on this...

Back in Lusaka

After the rather long commute from Kitchener Waterloo Region to Zambia via Dubai, Project HOPE Executive Director Christopher Graves arrived safely in Lusaka. The twenty-two hour flight time all worthwhile as he has hit the ground running and started on Day One of...

The Village Challenge

RSVP today to confirm your attendance at our annual event. We are looking forward to greeting our guests at Oakridge Bible Chapel in Oakville for this special morning filled with up to date project updates, a silent auction and lunch. Mark you calendars, invite...